The Wedding

Wedding Photos

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The Honeymoon

Trip to Nicaragua

More Nicaragua

More About Nicaragua!
This was the first time I had ever visited any country outside the U.S., other than one day stops at selected ports in Mexico. I expected to see images of extreme poverty and harsh living conditions. I was pleasantly surprised. Nicaragua is a poor country, yes, but my fears of extreme poverty were unfounded. Nicaragua is actually quite beautiful, the people are warm and friendly and Americans are VERY WELCOME HERE.

On The Shores of Lake Nicaragua!
The City of Granada is located on the shores of Lake Nicaragua, and is the oldest established city anywhere on the American continent. Spanish Conquistadors discovered this place by sailing huge ships up the rivers that at one time connected this vast lake with the ocean. Millions of Americans also traveled this route to reach California during the Gold Rush of 1849. It was much safer than crossing the plains via wagon trains. This is the route that Mark Twain took to reach California.

The Airport in El Salvador!
There are very few direct flights from the U.S. to Managua, Nicaragua. The airport at San Salvador serves as the main connecting point for many flights in Central and South America. The airport here is HUGE and very modern, with all the creature comforts of home.

All the Comforts of Home!
Venus and I had two options when we arrived in Esteli. We could either stay with Leana's extended family, or stay at the finest hotel in the city. I'm glad we chose the latter. I apologize for the darkness of this photo (darn disposable cameras!). We stayed with Leana's Aunt Alicia and Uncle Arnulfo, who owned one of the finest homes in Esteli.

Enjoying the Esteli Nightlife!
Venus and I discovered a "Sandinista Theme" bar in downtown Esteli soon after we arrived. The place is named "Rincon Legall's su lugar bohemia," or "Rincon Legall's Bohemian Place." This place is thick with memories of the Sandinista struggle, including rocket launchers on the wall and large photos of communist leaders such as Karl Marx and Che Guevara. Although the war and Contra struggle ended more than a decade ago, there are still deep divisions within this community.

Cutting the Cake!
Mark and Leana perform cake cutting duties during their reception at the Esteli Country Club. The reception started at eight P.M. and lasted almost nine hours. The floor of this club had a special black tile that never lost its shine. I've never seen anything like it before or since.

The Center of Granada!
As soon as I saw the old Spanish cannon in this ancient Granada square, I knew I had to have this picture. The square is three football fields in length and width.

Venus and Gale in Granada
Venus and her father stand in one of the largest city squares I have ever seen. Lake Nicaragua isn't very far away from this spot. Spain ruled this area, and much of Central America, for many centuries and the Spanish influence is still very evident here.